Carlos Illana

Agencia de detectives en Madrid: mitos y verdades

La profesión de investigador privado está rodeada de mucha literatura y muchos mitos. En algunos casos existe una parte de verdad y otra de ficción que la gente cree o piensa sencillamente a raíz de las películas, libros o como se ha retratado en algunas series de televisión, pero lo cierto es que en Monopol,…

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Investigación de fraudes económicos con expertos detectives para empresas

En algunas demandas judiciales es necesario realizar investigaciones de fraudes económicos. La investigación económica es una de las partes en algunos procesos judiciales que requiere de profesionales especializados como detectives para empresas que pueden realizar investigaciones económicas en Madrid aportando la información que normalmente un ciudadano de a pie no puede obtener. Existe un amplio…

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Types of the Most Popular Cases in Madrid

The work of private detectives in Madrid is very similar to that of their colleagues in different Spanish cities, and generally similar to working in big cities in different parts of the world. However, there still are certain peculiarities about the frequency at which certain types of cases are being worked on. This can certainly…

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Strengthen Security: How Can a Detective in Madrid Help?

What is the first thing you think when you hear the term “security”? Chances are you are thinking about the idea of ​​avoiding the danger in every way. The term security can be related to life, food, public security, private security… Even the Spanish law gives us the right to security. Based on the Spanish…

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The job of a private detective and social networks

We live in a world where much of the reality goes through the Internet filter before reaching people. The presence of the internet is so intense in our daily life, to the extent where we now have television news quoting what people said on the Internet, instead of networks being the place where people comment…

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Ethics, law and daily work of a private detective in Madrid

  As private detectives in Madrid here in the agency Monopol, on many occasions we are faced with the general public opinion about the work of private investigators. Some people believe that a private investigator can act with impunity and in an obscure way to get the information requested, and we should clarify that there…

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