julio 10, 2017

Work leave control

One of the jobs we carry out at Monopol, detective agency in Madrid, is the follow up of possible work leave fraud. This type of fraud directly affects companies that decide to hire a private investigator in Madrid as a preventative measure against risks for the company and its employees. The use of private detective…

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Control de bajas laborales

Uno de los trabajos que llevamos a cabo desde Monopol, agencia de detectives en Madrid, es el control de bajas laborales por bajas laborales fraudulentas. Este tipo de fraudes afectan directamente a las empresas contratantes, es por ello que muchas compañías deciden contratar a un investigador privado en Madrid como parte de una prevención de riesgos…

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Training for private detective

Being a detective is an exciting job, but very far from how it is portrayed in literature and television. A good detective has an objective to find and present proof of private facts, specifically those concentrated in economic, employment, commercial, financial and personal areas. In order to become a private detective it is necessary to…

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